Month: December 2016

Episode 142

Hosts: Vicky Belakhov, Jimmy Rocha and Jim Warren

Download this episode right HERE! (right click and “save as”)


Tera Melos – “Slimed” (from X’ed Out)
Abram Taber – “Celestial Rite” (from Celestial Rite)
Planet Fitness – “Dad d ie” (from dem o)
Au Revoir – “Repose (Live)” (from Live at Dead Air Split Single)
Geronimo! – “Fires of Hell” (from Fires of Hell)
Badfellows – “Green” (from Personal Beehive)
Hurricanes of Love – “Holy Ocmulgee” (from Pymp World)
Chris O’Grady – “Rainbow Coalition in the Sky” (from Karma: An Angry Folk Kid’s Afterthought)
Greys – “Light Pollution” (from Warm Shadow)
Jose Oyola & the Astronauts – “Bailar” (from Hologram)
Billy Mack Collector – “I Don’t, Carrot” (from It’s Okay to Carrot)

Listen to this stuff here, sure, but buy things from all these bands because they are awesome and all need your support to keep killing it. They have bandcamps or websites or whatever.

Episode 141

Hosts: Vicky Belakhov and Jimmy Rocha, with guest host Jim Warren and intern Connor Summers

Download this episode right HERE! (right click and “save as”)


(New England) Patriots – “The Monks” (from Eclectic Sessions Volume 2)
Lilli Jean – “Trailer Park in Heaven” (from SONG MACHINE)
Morus Alba – “Skyscraper” (from Stay Asleep)
President Soup – “Made By Machines” (from Made By Machines)
Guerilla Toss – “Multibeast TV” (from Flood Dosed EP)
Tarred and Feathered – “Avalanche” (from Avalanche)
Porches – “Black Dress” (from Water)
Walking Distance – “Walking Distance” (from Remnants of a Spellbook)
Grass is Green – “Riff Sibling” (from Ronson)
Boogie Boy Metal Mouth – “NYC Gunpowder” (from Call A Cop EP)
Bill Tucker and Friends – “Westside Strangler” (from Westside Strangler)
Judy Chong – “Ghosts Pt. 2” (from Ghosts Pt. 2)
Corner Soul – “Begging Mecy” (from Scatterbrain)
GEPH – “I Am the Lamp that Stomps” (from GEPH)
7 Birches – “Wash Into Grey” (from Nothing, I Know)

Listen to this stuff here, sure, but buy things from all these bands because they are awesome and all need your support to keep killing it. They have bandcamps or websites or whatever.

Episode 140

Hosts: Vicky Belakhov and Mike Calamonici, with intern Tia

Download this episode right HERE! (right click and “save as”)


Greys – “Fresh Hell” (from Warm Shadow)
No One and the Somebodies – “Mad World” (from Kind of Funny, Kind of Strange: the ONLY Donnie Darko Companion Tape)
Morus Alba – “Notorious” (from Kind of Funny, Kind of Strange: the ONLY Donnie Darko Companion Tape)
Idiot Genes – “Melvin” (from Oof Bonk)
Teenender – “Bad Angel” (from Teenender)
Shakusky. – “Ice Melts the Heart” (from Transient)
Beware the Dangers of a Ghost Scorpion! – “Full of Blood” (from Boss Metal Zone)
HarborLights – “No Ships for Many Years” (from Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree)

Listen to this stuff here, sure, but buy things from all these bands because they are awesome and all need your support to keep killing it. They have bandcamps or websites or whatever.