Links and Friends and Stuff Our Friends Do

Our friends do cool stuff, and here is some of it

The Lowell Spin
Lowell’s premier spotlight on DIY music.

Great series hosted by friend of the show Matt Hall (Marco Polio) and friends

Dave’s World Radio
Great podcast hosted by friend of the show Justin Passino (For the Kid in the Back) and friends.

The 3 Tap
Great podcast hosted by friends of the show and former WUML DJs Matt Denaro, Ally Bull, and Eric Byrnes

Time in the Study
WUML’s internationally recognized, award-winning program hosted by friend of the show Nick Canovas

Things I Notice
Fantastic blog written by friend of the show Travis Benson

We’re Happy For You
Great podcast hosted by friends of the show Jeff Sullivan and Olivia Close.

And a bunch of us are in bands together too, if you wanted to know.

Squash is Ben Dickinson and Jim Warren and friends

Table Trash is Vicky Belakhov and Jim Warren and friends

Inspector 34 is Jim Warren and Ben Kaplowitz and friends

Abats is Alex Bachman and friends

S’eance used to be Angus Holden and Jim Warren and friends