Month: January 2017

Episode 146

Hosts: Mike Calamonici, Vicky Belakhov, Jimmy Rocha, and Connor Summers

Download this episode right HERE! (right click and “save as”)


Horse Mode – “Dummy” (from Defenestrator)
Algernon Cadwallader – “Look Down” (from DEMO)
Olde Pine – “That’s Git” (from Reservoir & the Steve French EP)
Professor Caffeine & the Insecurities – “Hank Pym!!! (Why You Gotta Be So Small?)” (from Comic Book EP)
Kiss Concert – “Perfect. Monday.” (from HUMOR)
Nghtcrwlrs – “Coffee and Weed” (from Raging Hot)
Jake McKelvie & the Countertops – “Shift Switcher” (from The Rhinestone Busboy EP)
Caskets Filled with Flowers – “Be Bitter” (from Battle of Brisbane)
Arlen – “Rescue Me” (from Rescue Me)
Alta – “Sorting Rooms” (from Places)
Banana – “Hunny Buns” (from Die Alone)
Deer Leap – “Marionettes, Inc.” (from Impermanence)
Bent Knee – “Hands Up” (from Say So)
As the Sparrow – “Great Unknown” (from Great Unknown)

Listen to this stuff here, sure, but buy things from all these bands because they are awesome and all need your support to keep killing it. They have bandcamps or websites or whatever.

Episode 145

Hosts: Vicky Belakhov and Jim Warren, with guest host Darren Mcfadden and special guests Daniels Street

Download this episode right HERE! (right click and “save as”)


Natty Bumppo – “Election Song” (from Election Song)
Shahman – “Unending Curve” (from Fragments of a Distant Light)
Kitchen’s Floor – “Twenty-Eight” (from Battle of Brisbane)
Silas Price – “Heuristics III” (from Heuristics)
Daniels Street – Live on Dirty Douglas Radio (Part 1)
Jouska – “Changeling” (from Topiary)
Kiss Concert – “Speech Speech” (from HUMOR)
Kal Marks – “Sweet Lou” (from Life is Alright, Everybody Dies)
Oh Wow – “Ultra Deep Field” (from Skip Class)
Daniels Street – Live on Dirty Douglas Radio (Part 2)
Pleasure Pete – “Creepshow (Intro)” (from Me!)
Scrap Kids – “Open Your Eyes” (from Tour Tape 2016)
Rick Rude – “Shroud & Shell” (from Make Mine Tuesday)
Pile – “Two Snakes” (from Magic Isn’t Real)
Big Mess – “Hey Hey Banana Man” (from Live at the Boxfort))
Etc Etc Etc – “Tooth Noodle” (from Bed Trouble on… Line)

Listen to this stuff here, sure, but buy things from all these bands because they are awesome and all need your support to keep killing it. They have bandcamps or websites or whatever.

Episode 144

Hosts: Jimmy Rocha and Jim Warren, with sickly guest Vicky Belakhov

Download this episode right HERE! (right click and “save as”)


Ahleuchatistas – “Rincon Pio Sound” (from Arrebato)
SHAHMAN – “Spectator of Your Presence” (from Sounds That Look Like Us)
HUSH. – “Shinda Inu No Sashin” (from Nihil Unbound)
Animal City – “Water Stain” (from Party City)
Kiddy Pool – “Surf Rock 2014 (Perfect Door/Odor/Rodo)” (from Super Pony Perv Plus)
Greys – “ProTech!” (from Outer Heaven)
Francesca Shanks – “End of Line” (from I Am Walking Away)
Kitchen’s Floor – “Doomed” (from Battle of Brisbane)
Fat History Month – “Ponyboy” (from F*cking Despair)
Life in Vacuum – “Black Snow” (from Split w/ Joliette)
Florie Namir – “Half Smiles” (from Half Smiles)
PORCHES – “Black Dress” (from Water)
Idol Brain – “Highway Graves” (from Highway Graves)
Sneeze – “Movie Sex” (from Rot)
LVL UP – “Naked in the River with the Creator” (from Return to Love)

Listen to this stuff here, sure, but buy things from all these bands because they are awesome and all need your support to keep killing it. They have bandcamps or websites or whatever.

Episode 143

Hosts: Vicky Belakhov and Jim Warren, with intern Connor Summers

Download this episode right HERE! (right click and “save as”)


Bib Gaby – “Plebs With Coke” (from Four Songs (Demo))
Spacewaster – “Chainsaw Willy” (from Bababingus!)
Natty Bumppo – “A Very Improv Kid Nickels Cover” (from Panic! At the Dish Tank)
Dust Witch – “Mirage” (from Mirage)
Idiot Genes – “Randy” (from Oof Bonk)
Bunny Boy – “Shelly’s Theme” (from Shelly)
Grass is Green – “B-Kind” (from Vacation Vinny)
Kitchen’s Floor – “Stregth” (from Battle of Brisbane)
Strange Changes – “Awe-Full” (from Evil Genius EP)
Pile – “The Moon” (from Jerk Routine)
Jake McKelvie & the Countertops – “Rhinestone Busboy” (from The Rhinestone Busboy EP)

Listen to this stuff here, sure, but buy things from all these bands because they are awesome and all need your support to keep killing it. They have bandcamps or websites or whatever.