Episode 146

Hosts: Mike Calamonici, Vicky Belakhov, Jimmy Rocha, and Connor Summers

Download this episode right HERE! (right click and “save as”)


Horse Mode – “Dummy” (from Defenestrator)
Algernon Cadwallader – “Look Down” (from DEMO)
Olde Pine – “That’s Git” (from Reservoir & the Steve French EP)
Professor Caffeine & the Insecurities – “Hank Pym!!! (Why You Gotta Be So Small?)” (from Comic Book EP)
Kiss Concert – “Perfect. Monday.” (from HUMOR)
Nghtcrwlrs – “Coffee and Weed” (from Raging Hot)
Jake McKelvie & the Countertops – “Shift Switcher” (from The Rhinestone Busboy EP)
Caskets Filled with Flowers – “Be Bitter” (from Battle of Brisbane)
Arlen – “Rescue Me” (from Rescue Me)
Alta – “Sorting Rooms” (from Places)
Banana – “Hunny Buns” (from Die Alone)
Deer Leap – “Marionettes, Inc.” (from Impermanence)
Bent Knee – “Hands Up” (from Say So)
As the Sparrow – “Great Unknown” (from Great Unknown)

Listen to this stuff here, sure, but buy things from all these bands because they are awesome and all need your support to keep killing it. They have bandcamps or websites or whatever.

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